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Creative Business Resources

A collection of downloads, templates, freebies and links that make running a business just a little bit easier.

OUR FAVOURITE Creative Business Resources



Create gorgeous newsletters, opt-in forms, and workflows using a drag-and-drop builder. We use Flodesk for all of my marketing emails.



Create simple, pre-made or custom templates for social media, emails and website design. Rarely a day goes by when we’re not using Canva.



A simple, easy to follow guidebook for any amateur artist looking to sell their art online and make it a sustainable business!

Booking Apps

CALENDLY – Easily connects to your website, google calendar and zoom, Calendly is what we use to book events, meetings and calls through our website.

ZOOM – In case you’ve lived in a cave the last few years. Zoom is the most common online meeting platform. Ours is connected to our Calendly so when a client books a call, they get an automatic zoom invite!


ANTIC DIDONE – is an elegant font that is great for headlines and subheadlines. First designed for newspaper and magazine headlines, the large x-height in the characters makes it easy to read – especially on the web. 

PRATA – If you’re looking for a good alternate to something like Playfair Display, check out Prata. It has a similar feel but it’s not quite as common. 

POPPINS – Sans serif fonts are having a moment in 2024. If you’re looking for a clean font that is easy to read, Poppins is a great choice. It comes in a variety of weights and variations (bold, italic). 

NANUM MUEONGIO– is another classic font with a similar feel to Cormorant Garamond. It’s a thinner font that looks beautiful as a headline or body copy.

Design Tools

LIGHTROOM – Our mobile editing sidekick, this app has powerful editing tools in one simple to use platform.

PHOTOSHOP – For heavy editing on your laptop, this program has everything you’ll ever need in photo editing.

CANVA – Both free or pro (paid) versions are incredibly useful, but the pro version is so worth it. You can create any type of content you’ll ever dream up on Canva.

PRESETS – Our favourite presets – creating natural, authentic improvements to your photos.

Creative Business Resources Tips and Tutorials

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Creative Business Resources Tips and Tutorials

You need this really great SEO for Artists Guide…and it’s FREE!

To maximize your online presence, you need to ensure that your website appears prominently in search engine results. This doesn’t need to be rocket science, really. For many of us creative souls, this is where things go a little off kilter.

But it really doesn’t need to. SEO is thought to be this daunting task, something we know a little about but really don’t want to spend hours upon hours trying to figure out. So here is where this guide comes in. We’re going to simplify SEO for artists so that you can create a habit of keeping your website google-friendly and drive organic traffic to your beautiful artwork.

Need a free coaching call to see how to implement some of these tools into your business?

Book a free 30 min discovery call below…
Creative Business Resources Tips and Tutorials

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