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Welcome! My name is Donata and I’m so grateful you’re here!

Nothing worth having comes easy.

I’m an architect turned professional artist and here is how I made it here…  

When the whole planet experienced life changing times back in 2020, I also discovered I had an autoimmune disease that needed to be managed. Actually I was diagnosed 5 years earlier but it wasn’t until I experienced a sudden death in my immediate family right before the pandemic that took my body into an overload of stress. I struggled with anxiety, anger, sadness and a whole string of physical symptoms that I had no idea how to manage or even why they were happening. I was afraid of getting more sick and then dove into everything single thing I could find out about chronic disease and it’s impacts on mental health. Therapy, diet and exercise changes led to a two year back and forth trying to find what worked for my body. I also needed to accept that I needed to do things that worked for me and not necessarily what everyone else was doing. Today, I have some non-negotiables in my daily life that help me feel strong, happy and healthy. If you want to read more about how art brings me balance and what these things look like, read this post!

Struggling in almost every aspect of my life, I needed something to bring me home. I always choose to paint as a creative outlet, and to create without any rules. Nature driven, I’m happiest when I’m outside or painting something of nature. What I love about watercolour is that it challenges my personality; which fights to always be in control of everything. Watercolour is mischievous but in a somewhat controlled way. It’s firmly confined by wet and dry edges, but within this boundary, it is playful and surprising. That is the underlying theme in my art. I aspire to create pieces that are playful and serene, offering some stillness when we need it most. I started my art business four years ago, painting in the evenings and weekends and have since grown my art business to include worldwide commissions, print collaborations with retailers and well as teaching art to others and helping others artists grow their own business selling art from home.

Late 2021, we decided to embark on an adventure and we moved from our hometown in Canada to Mexico. My husband is from Mexico and we always dreamt of living abroad and teaching our girls about their other culture, food, language, family and so much.

The Good Canvas is a combined vision of all of these things and a journey into the growth of an artist. I started this blog with the intention to share my belief that a beautiful life is defined by an honest nature-based approach to how we build and move through our day and what we choose to focus our attention on.

If you’re ready to build the business of your dreams and want to get there faster, please


And, don’t forget my free guide!

If you’re a creative person thinking to start a small from home, be sure to download the FREE GUIDE with The 9 step to starting your creative buiness from home, TODAY!

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Some of my favorite things